Dynamics of nitric oxide stable metabolite and some indicators of blood coagulation system in patients with severe forms of psoriasis in the complex therapy
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blood coagulation system
nitric oxide
articular syndrome
severe forms of psoriasis

How to Cite

Oliinyk, I., & Gavrylyuk, O. (2020). Dynamics of nitric oxide stable metabolite and some indicators of blood coagulation system in patients with severe forms of psoriasis in the complex therapy. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 104-109. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/484


The analysis of the dynamics of the content of serum levels of nitrite (NO2), prothrombin index (PTI), fibrinogen, SFMC (soluble fibrin-monomer complexes), APTT and platelet count in patients with psoriasis in the process of a complex basic therapy is presented in the article. The holiatry of patients the heavy forms of psoriasis with the use of methotrexatum and arginine is not only instrumental in the offensive of clinical remission but also allows to improve biochemical indexes (levels of NO2, protrombinovogo index, Fibrinogenum and soluble fibrin-monomernykh complexes), diminishing expressed of system inflammatory answer and protromboticheskogo status.
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