Carbohydrate metabolism indices in patients with ischemic heart disease and obesity depending on genotype polymorphism of endothelial gene nitric oxide synthase (glu298asp)
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ischemic heart disease
carbohydrate metabolism
insulin resistance
gene polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase

How to Cite

Kadykova, O. (2020). Carbohydrate metabolism indices in patients with ischemic heart disease and obesity depending on genotype polymorphism of endothelial gene nitric oxide synthase (glu298asp). Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 80-83. Retrieved from


The article reviewed carbohydrate metabolism in 222 patients with ischemic heart disease and obesity, depending on the genotype of the gene polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp). Comparison group consisted of 115 patients with ischemic heart disease with normal body weight. The control group included 35 healthy individuals. No association was found in violation of carbohydrate metabolism and genotypes of gene polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp) in patients.
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