Комплексная диагностика и лечение гиперактивного мочевого пузыря и гиперрефлексии дистального отдела толстой кишки
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neurogenic disorders in urination
intestine neurogenic dysfunction

How to Cite

Vozianov, S., Zaharash, M., Zaharash, Y., Sevost’anova, N., Chabanov, P., Ugarov, V., & Reprintseva, A. (2020). Комплексная диагностика и лечение гиперактивного мочевого пузыря и гиперрефлексии дистального отдела толстой кишки. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 104-107. Retrieved from


The article presents the results of diagnosis and treatment of patients with with a combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal colon hyperactive urinary bladder. The evaluation of effectiveness was carried out by assessing the dynamics of change in complaints, questionnaires, uroflowmetry, and electromyography. The obtained data allowed to develop and optimize methods of treatment of patients with with a combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal division of the large intestine hyperactive urinary bladder.
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