Influence of oxyethylized nonylphenols on the activity of respiratory chain of mitochondrion of rats hepatocytes
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oxyethylized nonylphenols
rate respiratory of mitochondrions

How to Cite

Marakushin, D. (2020). Influence of oxyethylized nonylphenols on the activity of respiratory chain of mitochondrion of rats hepatocytes. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 47-51. Retrieved from


The rate of mitochondrion respiration of rats hepatocytes was studied at the presence of specific substrate and inhibitors of NADH-coenzyme Q-oxidoreductase and succinate-coenzyme Q-oxidoreductase under the long-term influence of oxyethylized nonylphenols (OENP) at a dose of 1/100 of LD50. Toxification of rats by OENP12 causes a decrease of succinate-coenzyme Q-oxidoreductase activity in hepatocytes against the background of an increase of NADH-coenzyme Q-oxidoreductase, that is confirmed by the decrease of mitochondrion respiration rate at the state V3 and V4 on succinate against the background of its increase on glutamate and malate. In the issue of OENP25 influence it is observed an increase of succinate-coenzyme Q-oxidoreductase activity and a decrease of NADH-coenzyme Q-oxidoreductase, that is confirmed by the increase of mitochondrion respiration rate at the state V3 and V4 on succinate against the background of its decrease on glutamate and malate. Investigated compounds cause an uncoupling of oxidation and phosphorylation processes on substrate of II complex of respiratory chain of mitochondrion of rats hepatocytes, that requires modern and adequate correction for prevention of irreversible changes in the liver.
PDF (Українська)


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