Biliary decompression in patients with benign diseases of main bile duct, complicated by mechanical jaundice
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benign diseases of main bile duct
mechanical jaundice
biliary decompression
reconstructive operations

How to Cite

Boyko, V., Avdosyev, Y., & Sochnieva, A. (2020). Biliary decompression in patients with benign diseases of main bile duct, complicated by mechanical jaundice. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 90-97. Retrieved from


We analyzed the results of treatment of 34 patients with benign diseases of main bile duct, complicated by mechanical jaundice. n the main group 14 (41.1%) patients for the purpose of biliary decompression performed antegrade endobiliary intervention in the comparison group, 19 (55.9%) patients retrograde biliary decompression attempts were unsuccessful. The second stage of surgery performed reconstructive surgery or used «rende-vouze» intervention. In a number of patients, antegrade endobiliary interventions became the only one stage of treatment. An evaluation of the response of mechanical jaundice to biliary decompression was performed using the formula of T. Shimizu and K. Yoshida. Applying antegrade endobiliary intervention, we were able to reduce biliary decompression complications compared with patients who have had an unsuccessful attempt at endoscopic treatment from 15 (78.9%) to 1 (6.67%), as well as reduce the number of complications after reconstructive operations from 10 (52,6%) to 1 (6,67%) and the level of mortality from 2 (10,5%) to 1 (6,67%).
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