Influence of imidazoline mixtures on electrical parameters of membranes of rads' blood cells
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mixture of imidazolines
cell membrane
electrical resistance

How to Cite

I.G. Maksimova, I. M. (2020). Influence of imidazoline mixtures on electrical parameters of membranes of rads’ blood cells. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 43-46. Retrieved from


Electrical parameters of cell membranes of the rats' blood on the 30th day of intake of the the industrial chemical pollutants of the environment - imidazolines mixtures were studied with the help of electrophysical method. This was essential for the full disclosure of the biochemical mechanisms of their membranotropic action. Imidazolines mixtures with alkyl radicals S7–9 and S9–15 in doses 1/100 1/10 DL50 decrease a permittance and active resistance of cell membranes. Long-term intoxication of rats by imidazolines significantly changes the capacitance that can be linking with more polarization of lipids in bilayer of blood's cell membrane. This changes are one of the pathogenetic links of biochemical mechanisms of imidazoline compounds action that are necessary to take into account during the working of methods of their correction.
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