Risk factors of transformation of reacttive arthritis in the juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: data of the regression analysis
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reactive arthritis
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
risk factors

How to Cite

Puhachova, K. (2020). Risk factors of transformation of reacttive arthritis in the juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: data of the regression analysis. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 58-63. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/454


It was provided retrospective analysis of anamnestic and clinical data of 82 children: 26 of them with JRA, 28 with relapsing course RA, 28 with acute RA. Presence of local hyperthermia, morning stiffness, symmetry, restriction of movements, polyarthritis, swelling of the joints promotes transformation of RA into a JRA. Risk factors for the progression of relapsing RA into JRA: morning stiffness, polyarthritis, fever, involvement of wrist, ankle, proximal interphalangeal and knee joints. Chances of JRA developing are increased when child has undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia and develops articular syndrome before the age of 4. Risk factors for the progression of chronic or relapsing RA into JRA are morning stiffness, polyarthritis, fever, involvement of wrist, ankle, proximal interphalangeal and knee joints.
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