Effect of cryopreserved cord blood serum on biochemical markers of destruction of tissues
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cold wounds
tissue destruction markers
cryopreserved cord blood serum

How to Cite

Ischenko, I., L.N. Tynynyka, L., Kovalov, G., Yefimova, I., & Sandomirsky, B. (2020). Effect of cryopreserved cord blood serum on biochemical markers of destruction of tissues. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 19-25. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/449


The research is devoted to the study of tissue destruction biochemical markers in blood serum and skin of the animals with cold wounds when treating them with cryopreserved cord blood serum. The introduction of cryopreserved cord blood serum has been shown to contribute to a reduction of the level of tissue destruction markers in serum, that is manifested in normalization of ALT activity to the day 7 of experiment, and to the day 14 for AST and LDH. The level of lipid peroxidation in skin reaches the normal values to the day 9 of observation.
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