Orthostatic hypotensia in patients with parkinson's disease and measures for prevention
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Parkinson's disease
orthostatic hypotension
autonomic dysfunction
orthoklinostatic test
complex therapy

How to Cite

Petuchova, I., & Vasilieva, O. (2020). Orthostatic hypotensia in patients with parkinson’s disease and measures for prevention. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 81(4), 52-57. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/379


This observation reflects the methods of additional assessment of non-motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease in the form of orthostatic hypotension syndrome in a small sample (6 patients) and an assessment of the effectiveness of complex therapy for its relief. Basic therapy with non-ergoline dopamine receptor agonist Mirapex (pramipexol) and additional vascular preparations (Ginkgo Biloba, Mildronate, Armadin, Cavinton) were used. A positive assessment was made of the use of this drug complex in the form of reducing the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction in patients with Parkinson's disease, as well as the possibility of preventing complications of the disease.
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