Composite coatings with antimicrobial properties for dental implants
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composite coatings
antimicrobial activity
dental implants

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Khristyan, G., Kazmirchuk, V., Ivannik, V., Yudin, I., Vozny, O., Melnik, A., & Sorokoumova, L. (2020). Composite coatings with antimicrobial properties for dental implants. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 82-89. Retrieved from


Antimicrobial properties of new composite coatings for dental implants have been studied. Methods of diffusion into agar and sequential dilutions proved their high antibacterial and antifungal activity and determined MIC and MBC/MFC relative to the reference strains of microorganisms and clinical isolates of causative agents of peri-implant diseases. Experimental samples No. 11, 12 and 17 were selected as the most promising for further research and practical implementation.
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