An oxidation and antioxidant homeostasis in posterity of rats who received excessive high-caloric feeding during pregnancy
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oxidation and antioxidant homeostasis
hyper high-calorie diet
posterity of rats

How to Cite

Sirenko, V. (2020). An oxidation and antioxidant homeostasis in posterity of rats who received excessive high-caloric feeding during pregnancy. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 74-81. Retrieved from


There was studied an oxidation and antioxidant homeostasis in 70 rats of WAG/G Sto population on the basis determination of activity peroxidation of lipids (POL) (diene conjugates and malonic dialdehyde) and antioxidant system (AOS) (superoxide dismutase and catalase) in pancreas and blood serum. In the rats-mothers, received a hyper high-calorie diet during pregnancy, an activation of POL and decrease of AOS activity (the expressed oxidative stress) were established. In newborn and 1-month-old infant rats an activation of POL and AOS with signs of insufficiency of a physiological reserve for suspension of POL processes was revealed. In 2-month-old infant rats essential abnormalities of oxidation and antioxidant homeostasi were not revealed. The obtained data confirm the importance of oxidation and antioxidant homeostasi disturbances in pathogenesis of pancreas damage in rats at an unbalanced hyper high-calorie feeding
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