The features of changes in the indices of humoral and cellular immunity in blood of rabbits in case of mechanical non-penetrating corneal trauma
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mechanical non-penetrating trauma

How to Cite

Nesteruk, S., & Klishch, I. (2020). The features of changes in the indices of humoral and cellular immunity in blood of rabbits in case of mechanical non-penetrating corneal trauma. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 46-51. Retrieved from


The article presents data on the influence of mechanical non-penetrating corneal trauma on the indices of humoral and cellular immunity in rabbits’ blood. Experimental non-penetrating corneal trauma is accompanied by inhibition of humoral immunity factors in the early post-traumatic period with a maximum reduction in the 14th day of observation and marked violation of cellular immunity in the form of an imbalance in the subpopulation composition of T-lymphocytes with a predominant decrease in T-suppressors and a progressive increase in the immunoregulatory index. Keywords: mechanical non-penetrating trauma, cornea, immunity.
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