Investigation of antioxidant system state of the blood and liver in rats in dynamics of crush-syndrome development
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: crush-syndrome
, antioxidant system

How to Cite

Пилипчук, Т., & Krynytska, I. (2020). Investigation of antioxidant system state of the blood and liver in rats in dynamics of crush-syndrome development. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 81(4), 9-16. Retrieved from


The influence of experimental crush-syndrome on the antioxidant defence parameters of blood and liver in rats were studied. In the early post-traumatic period was found increased activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic links of antyoxidant system, which is indicating the strengthening of its function to inhibit the development of oxidative stress. At the seventh and fourteenth day of the experiment, a marked decrease in superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, concentration of ceruloplasmin and total antioxidant activity of the serum was observed, indicating the depletion of the antioxidant reserves of the body.
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