Endothelial-immunologic relationship in stenocardia and its correction at patients with chronic pulmonary heart
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chronic pulmonary heart
stable exertional angina pectoris
endothelium-vascular dysfunction
pentoxifillin amlodipine besilat

How to Cite

Pogorelov, V., Telegina, H., Zhernovenkov, A., & Sokhanevich, K. (2020). Endothelial-immunologic relationship in stenocardia and its correction at patients with chronic pulmonary heart. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 82(1), 37-42. https://doi.org/10.35339/ekm.2019.01.06


There were examined 45 patients with chronic pulmonary heart and stable exertional angina pectoris of III functional class. All of them were treated by complex therapy included pentoxifillin in a dose of 600 mg per day, 25 of them (main group) in addition received amlodipine besilat. The rates of hemodynamics, nitric oxide, endotheline-1, cytokines and platelet aggregation were investigated. After treatment defined decrease rate of endotheline-1, interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, platelet aggregation capacity and increase of interleukin-4 and nitric oxide. The more positive laboratory-clinical dynamics were in the main group.
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