Potentiation of local cryotherapy of distilled H2O in a model of outbred rats with transplanted Guerin's carcinoma under conditions of preserved blood flow (In vivo)
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local cryoaction
local cryoablation
distilled water
potentiation of cryodestruction
Guerin carcinoma
complex measuring intraoperational thermocouple (CMIT-4)

How to Cite

ДроновO., Khomenko, D., & Kozachuk, E. (2020). Potentiation of local cryotherapy of distilled H2O in a model of outbred rats with transplanted Guerin’s carcinoma under conditions of preserved blood flow (In vivo). Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 78(1), 9-19. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/351


In process of local cryoaction on the model of inoculated Guerin's carcinoma in white rats weight 110–140 g with saved blood flow to estimate the dynamic of temperature changes in the solid tumor at discrete depths (3, 8, 13 and 18 mm) with and without of potentiation by distilled H2O and investigate a comparative analysis of the obtained data. On 10–12 days after inoculation from experimental animals were formed 2 groups: control (n = 6) and main group (n = 25). Cryoablation was performed by cryoapplicator with diameter of 20 mm with double cycle of freezing and exposure time period of each cycle for 5 minutes and followed by spontaneous thawing. The dynamics of temperature changes in the tumor at discrete depths cryoapplicator we determined using a complex measurement intraoperative thermocouple four-channel (CMIT-4), the prototype of which was developed jointly by the Department of General Surgery № 1. Injection into the solid tumor of distilled H2O for 5 minutes before the start of local cryoablation on the experimental model of the inoculated Guerin's carcinoma in white rats with saved blood flow has a potentiating effect that manifests itself in reaching the mean temperature values in the range of minus values at all experimental depths according to the indicators of thermocouples T1-T4 CMIT-4.
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