The method of treating for patients with a fistula of a bronchial stump after pneumonectomy based on an obturation of a stump by an endobronchial valve has been developed. The subject of the study were 14 patients with empyema of the pleura with bronchopleural fistula after pneumonectomy. Six patients (the main group) were treated by the developed method of closing the bronchial stump. In 8 patients (group of comparison), transpleural reamputation of the main bronchus stump with thoracoplasty was used. All operated patients had drag-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis with a different spectrum of resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs. High efficiency of closing the fistula of the stump of main bronchus by the valve is proved. The use of the method allows to achieve a stable closing of the bronchial stump and pleural cavity with its subsequent obliteration, eliminating the need for second thoracotomic surgical intervention, and associated with it operational injury and the risk of operative complications.References
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