According to the WHO global strategy for the health of women, children and adolescents (2016–2030), high maternal mortality is a negative phenomenon that can be prevented. The pathological course of pregnancy is an urgent problem of midwifery practice and mother and child health care in Ukraine. A significant prevalence of complications during pregnancy and childbirth leads to the risk of adverse consequences for the health of the mother and fetus, premature mortality of newborns, as well as an increase in the economic burden on the health care system. The purpose of the work was the development and medical and social substantiation of the functional and organizational model of early detection and prevention of the pathological course of pregnancy in midwifery practice. When developing a model for early detection and prevention of the pathological course of pregnancy in midwifery practice, we used data obtained during our own research, namely: identification of risk factors that have an impact on the course of pregnancy; studying the prevalence of conditions that complicate pregnancy; assessment of the quality of assistance to pregnant women. Scientific information from domestic and foreign sources was used. The developed model provides for a complex medical, psychological and social examination of pregnant women. The proposed model will allow identification of risk groups of the pathological course of pregnancy in the early stages. The implementation of the model will lead to a decrease in the frequency of pregnancy complications, as well as an improvement in the psychological state of pregnant women. Wide implementation of the model can significantly improve the health of mothers and newborns.
Keywords: pregnancy complications, subjects of management, object of management, block of scientific regulation.
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