Clinical phenomenology of mental disorders in patients with COVID-19
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somatoform disorders
organic disorders
adaptation disorders

How to Cite

Leshchyna, I. (2021). Clinical phenomenology of mental disorders in patients with COVID-19. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 90(3), 76-81.


Today, we already know for sure that COVID-19 has a negative impact on both the physical and mental health of the population in every country. Almost everyone has a fear of coronavirus infection, which is associated with the possible risk of infection, the unpredictable course of the disease, the lack of pathogenetic treatment and total uncertainty, which causes negative psychological reactions. Organic changes from coronavirus infection are exacerbated by the influence of military stress and contribute to the development of psychological and pathopsychological disorders. The purpose of the research was to study the clinical phenomenology of mental disorders in patients who suffered from COVID-19. A comprehensive examination was conducted of 125 people (68 women and 57 men) of middle age (36.0±3.4) years who suffered from COVID-19 2–6 weeks ago. All the examinees were in a special psycho-emotional state due to COVID-19. This state was caused on the one hand by direct damage to the central nervous system by SARS-Cov2 infection, on the other hand by fear for life and health, and that of loved ones. Other factors of the special condition were social derivation, limitations in the usual way of life; adaptation to new working conditions; change in motor activity; change in diet and sleep; lack of knowledge about infectious diseases and mental health; informational stress: alarming news and fake news (disinformation), which are easily spread through social networks, increasing fears and anxieties. As a result of COVID-19, adjustment disorders, depressive and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress and somatoform disorders, and organic anxiety-depressive disorders occurred.

Keywords: depression, anxiety, somatoform disorders, organic disorders, adaptation disorders.
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