Interaction experience of medical rescue units with rescuers of the Republic of Poland and its implementation in Ukraine
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medical rescue
organization of interaction
implementation of experience

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Volianskyi , P., Mykhailov , V., Khoroshun , E., Pechyborshch , V., Yakymets , V., Pechyborsch , O., & Yakymets , V. (2021). Interaction experience of medical rescue units with rescuers of the Republic of Poland and its implementation in Ukraine. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 90(1), 27-44.


Aim of research is to study the positive experience of the medical rescue units disaster medicine in cooperation with fire and rescue units in Poland and analyzing historical aspects of disaster medicine in Ukraine and the organization of interaction of the State Service of Ukraine for Civil Protection. A detailed analysis of the experience of medical rescue by disaster medicine units in cooperation with fire and rescue units in the Republic of Poland and the historical aspect of the creation of disaster medicine in Ukraine and the organization of its interaction by the State Civil Defense Service of Ukraine. Factors of positive and negative influence on results of activity are defined. Ukraine has borrowed the Polish experience of cooperation between disaster medicine units and fire rescue units, using exactly those provisions that will be most acceptable to it. Implementing of best practices contributes to the development of human potential, quality of public and social services, consolidation of society, solution of social problems. The key to the successful completion of the tasks of disaster medicine units and fire and rescue units for medical rescue is, in particular, adequate resources, improvement of practical skills and interaction in the process of providing first aid. The best practices of providing qualified medical care to victims of emergencies in each country are unique and reflect the specifics of its operation, so the implementation of the experience is appropriate to take into account the specifics of the development of a particular country.

Keywords: medical rescue, emergencies, victims, organization of interaction, implementation of experience.
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