The possibility of remote thermography in complex diagnostics arthropatic psoriasis
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arthropatic psoriasis
remote thermography
activity of articular syndrome
temperature gradient

How to Cite

Kutasevych, Y., Oliinyk, I., Gavrylyuk, A., Zamyatin, P., & Dubrovskyi , K. (2020). The possibility of remote thermography in complex diagnostics arthropatic psoriasis. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 69(4), 91-93. Retrieved from


The use of remote thermography as a method of diagnostics of activity of arthropatic psoriasis in article is rationaled. These studies show that the thermographic picture allows to determine subclinical inflammation in the absence of specific clinical and laboratory data at the preclinical stage and to view about the degree of local activity of inflammation in the joints and periarticular tissues in patients with arthropatic psoriasis. It is allows to appoint of adequate therapy.
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