Clinical and pharmaceutical analysis features of oral hypoglycemic medications usage at patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
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diabetes mellitus
compensation course of disease
peroral glucose lowering preparations
lactic acidosis

How to Cite

Moroz, V., & Grintsov , E. (2020). Clinical and pharmaceutical analysis features of oral hypoglycemic medications usage at patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 70(1), 52-58. Retrieved from


In order to evaluate the rationality of the use of oral hypoglycemic agents retrospectively analyzed 106 medical histories of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 aged 42 to 75 years. Among derivatives of sulfonylurea most commonly used glibenclamide (42.1%), and having the best pharmacological profile glimepiride – only at 28.0% of patients. Irrational use was detected in 20.8% of patients with severe cardiovascular disease, as well as in combination with medicines that change their glucose-lowering activity. Half of patients who treated with metformin, also identified the different types of irrational use. In particular, 24.5% of the patients it was combined with drugs potentiates the development of lactic acidosis. Improving the quality of diabetes treatment requires careful adjustment of pharmacotherapy, which justifies the need for participation in the process of clinical pharmacist.
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