Histochemical assessment of colon damage degree in fire bullet injuries
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histochemical examination
gunshot wound
colon injury

How to Cite

Gumenyuk , K., Yakymova , T., Gubina-Vakulyk , G., Nehoduiko, V., Makarov , V., & Mykhaylusov , R. (2022). Histochemical assessment of colon damage degree in fire bullet injuries. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 91(1), 71-79. https://doi.org/10.35339/ekm.2022.91.1.gyg


The article analyzes and evaluates the protein damage in the wall of the large intestine during its gunshot bullet injury at different times after the injury with the help of histochemical studies. The extent and depth of local proteolysis in the tissues of the colon wall near the site of resection after a gunshot wound was determined, and an assessment of the adequacy of retreat from the damaged tissues of the colon wall and the prognosis of successful healing of the suture on the colon wall was provided. It is shown that the Red/Blue indicator is integral for assessing the condition of the connective tissue of the injured large intestine. Comparative indicators of the volumes of carboxyl (RED) R/B groups and amino groups (BLUE) in the peripheral areas of the removed fragment of the large intestine depending on the result of intestinal suture are presented. It has been proven that in injured young people, violations of the structure, function and vital activity of the large intestine are less pronounced. The presence of an increase in the number of carboxyl groups in tissue proteins was determined, which is evidenced by the increase in red staining and the morphometrically determined increase in the value of the M. Calvo coefficient. When the state of proteins is normalized and the amino groups are activated, the blue color becomes dominant, and the R/B ratio decreases to 1.0 and below. That is, the Red/Blue indicator is integral to assessing the condition of the connective tissue of the injured intestine. Most likely, the initial state of metabolic disturbance plays an important role in healing, inflammation or suppuration. Conclusions were made about the expediency of conducting a histochemical analysis of the damaged colon for adequate therapy.

Keywords: histochemical examination, gunshot wound, colon injury.

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