Due to the war in Ukraine, the number of servicemen and civilians with a mild form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by the blast has increased. Pathogenesis, clinic, treatment, rehabilitation of patients with TBI differ from these parameters in patients with trauma in peacetime (mainly road and sports). The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between the pathogenesis, clinic and features of the treatment of trauma caused by the blast wave, with the organization of medical care for this category of patients. The article also highlights some issues of quality of life of patients and the social significance of the consequences of the disease in light of the prevalence of pathology. The methods of system analysis and bibliosemantic method were used in the research. Statistical data and scientific publications on the incidence and consequences of TBI, its long-term consequences, features of treatment and rehabilitation have been studied. The main consequence of the explosive trauma is concussion, the reverse state, the pathogenesis of which is based on temporary functional disorders. Such concussions are accompanied by cerebral symptoms (without further focal neurological symptoms), autonomic vascular reactions, temporary loss of consciousness and memory. General practitioners, physical therapists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, traumatologists, resuscitators, otolaryngologists, and rehabilitation specialists should be involved in providing medical care to the victims. Medical facilities providing medical care to victims should be provided with drugs for the treatment of headache (tension pain and migraine pain), dizziness, vertigo, loss of consciousness, tinnitus, sleep disorders, cognitive disorders. Given the importance of the regime for the successful treatment and rehabilitation of patients, physicians should have sufficient time to consult patients, which should be taken into account when planning his workload.
Keywords: traumatic brain injury, medical and social consequences, the quality of life of patients.
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