We considered the modern CLASI-FISH method and microscopic methods of studying the dental biotope used in everyday practice in order to determine the effectiveness of ways to study dental plaque. An in-depth study of microorganisms using new methods has determined that 99% of the microorganisms of our planet exist in ecosystems in the form of organizations that are attached to the substrate. Such a social way of existence of microorganisms endows them with functional specialization, which makes it possible to implement both physiological and pathological mechanisms in the ecological niche where these communities live, including in the biotopes of the host organism. It is important to study the morphology and structure of microorganisms by one or another method of microscopy, from light to electron microscopy. The methods of microscopic examination of bacteria are diverse and allow one to study various aspects of the existence of microbiocenoses in the human body. This provision also applies to the study of the microflora of the oral cavity. The choice of method for the study of oral microbiotopes should be consistent with the purpose of the study. The resources of the researchers can influence the choice of method for studying oral microbiotopes.
Keywords: microorganisms, research methods, dental deposits.
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