The situation related to addictive behavior is considered to be quite significant for all countries of the world, Ukraine is no exception. The reason is the key difference between the worldview and thinking stereotypes of recent generations, brought up in different socio-economic conditions, as well as due to the protracted economic, political and social crisis. 76 young men (16-24 years old) were examined. All subjects sought for psychiatric help with complaints of polymorphic symptoms, the most relevant were bad mood, anxiety with panic attacks, body tremor, disturbed sleep, fear, several patients had suicidal thoughts, which were often on the background of gambling and Internet addiction. In all patients there were manifestations of somatic pathology along with mental disturbance. In non-chemical addiction, the implementation of distress is accompanied by a destructive effect and is manifested by a wide range of mental and somatic clinical symptoms. And as a consequence causes disorders in various organs and systems. The data obtained necessitate further clinical studies, and for patients who seek help should be a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures to improve the mental and physical of their condition.
Keywords: distress, non-chemical addiction, somatization, depression.
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