Anxiety disorders have significant gender features in clinical and psychopathological phenomenology and psychosocial maladaptation, in addition, significant differences in the mechanisms of anxiety disorders in men and women, determine the specifics of clinical, psychopathological and pathopsychological manifestations and determine the need for treatment and diagnostic approaches. A comprehensive examination of 150 patients with anxiety disorders, both sexes, aged 20-55 years was conducted. The main group consisted of 84 patients (43 women and 41 men) who participated in developed psychotherapeutic program, the control group – 66 patients (34 women and 32 men) who received standard regulated therapy in the hospital. According to the results of the study stable therapeutic effect was achieved by patients of the main group with personalized psychotherapeutic program (positive dynamics of anxiety symptoms, increased psychophysical activity) in 73.2% of men and 74.5% of women. In patients of the main group there was a significant decrease in anxiety and depression by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (71.7% of men and 69.6%), by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (72.7% of men and 75.7% of women); in patients of the control group, dynamics of scores by psychodiagnostic scales was insignificant. The data obtained during the study show that in the complex treatment of patients with anxiety disorders one of the crucial components of therapy is not only pharmacotherapy, but also psychotherapeutic interventions, which in turn depend on nosology and gender component.
Keywords: anxiety, psychotherapy, IDPs, migrants, gender features.
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