Modern methodology of correction and prevention of stress-related disorders in female-veterans
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stress-related disorders

How to Cite

Kozhyna , H., Stebliuk , V., Zelenska , K., & Pronoza-Stebliuk , K. (2021). Modern methodology of correction and prevention of stress-related disorders in female-veterans. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 90(1), 64-70.


The study of stress-related disorders does not lose its relevance. This is due to the fact that the number of wars, catastrophes, various natural disasters occurring in the world is not decreasing, and the effects of traumatic stress on the human psych are still not up to end studied. The events taking place in Eastern Ukraine have given this issue special relevance and significance. To solve our goal, we conducted a comprehensive survey of 96 female veterans of the ATO/JFO zone. According to the results of clinical and psychopathological research, clinical structure of stress-related disorders is represented by emotional disorders: depression (68.2% of subjects), anxiety (89.2%), feelings of internal tension with inability to relax (88.9%), irritability (72.8%), anhedonia (49.2%), lack of hope (59.8%), guilt of the survivor (41.2%); mild cognitive disorders: difficulty concentrating (69.8% of patients), memory impairment (36.8%), difficulties making decisions (56.9%), difficulties in planning and organization (42.8%) and difficulties for finding necessary words to express opinion (33.8%); vegetative paroxysms (72.6%); asthenic syndrome (66.9%) and insomnia (66.2%). The basis of medical and psychological support for women veterans is the creation of a readaptation atmosphere aimed at public recognition of social significance of participation in hostilities; recognition of the high social status of female veterans; understanding the peculiarities of mental reactions and behavior of combatants; creating conditions for a favorable psychological situation in the family. In order to prevent development and decompensation of associated disorders, a comprehensive system of medical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants was developed. It consists of four successive stages. A comprehensive system of correction and prevention of stress-related disorders in female veterans should be aimed at reducing level of anxiety and depressive symptoms, excessive mental stress; affective reassessment of traumatic experience; formation of a positive attitude to the future and creation of a new cognitive model of life.

Keywords: female-veterans, rehabilitation, prevention, stress-related disorders.
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