Structural analysis of socio-psychological maladaptation in women with depressive disorders of different genesis, depending on severity of factors of meso- and micro-social influence
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depressive disorders
socio-psychological adaptation
mesosocial maladaptation
microsocial maladaptation

How to Cite

Isakov, R. I. (2020). Structural analysis of socio-psychological maladaptation in women with depressive disorders of different genesis, depending on severity of factors of meso- and micro-social influence. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 86(1), 21-30.


Structural analysis of socio-psychological maladaptation in women with depressive disorders of different genesis, depending on severity of factors of meso- and micro-social influence. To conduct a structural analysis of socio-psychological maladaptation in women with depressive disorders of different genesis depending on the severity of meso- and microsocial influences, to develop personalized psychosocial rehabilitation measures for this group of patients, 252 women were examined and diagnosed with depressive 94 with depressive disorder of psychogenic genesis, 83 women with endogenous depression and 75 patients with depressive disorder of organic genesis. Patients were divided into groups depending on the genesis of depressive disorder and the presence and severity of problems in psychosocial functioning. The study was conducted using clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. The study confirmed the previous hypothesis about the association of the manifestations of socio-psychological maladaptation as a structural component of depression, depending on the vulnerability to meso- and microsocial stress-inducing factors, with any genesis of depressive disorder. There is a tendency to increase the signs of maladaptation, self-rejection, rejection of other emotional discomfort, external control, and information, and decrease signs of adaptability, truthfulness, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, emotional comfort, internal control, dominance with increasing load as meso- and and microsocial factors. The most pronounced differences in the indicators of socio-psychological maladaptation were found in people with microsocial problems, less pronounced - in mesosocial maladaptation. The identified patterns should be taken into account in the development of treatment and rehabilitation and preventive measures for depressive disorders in women.

Keywords: depressive disorders, women, socio-psychological adaptation, mesosocial maladaptation, microsocial maladaptation.
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