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digital imprint
gingival margin retraction
intraoral scanner
vertical retraction value
horizontal retraction value

How to Cite

Terekhov, S., & Khrol, N. (2021). DIGITAL VOLUME SCANNING SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF GARDEN RETRACTION. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 85(4), 96-99.


Digital 3D scanning technology of the CAD / CAM system was used to increase the accuracy of the stump depth of the examined teeth. Collapsible plaster models were made for each clinical case and scanned in the CAD system - digital volume scanner. Using this technology on a 3D model to determine the exact depth of preparation of the stump. It was found that the study by digital volume scanning to determine and verify the depth of preparation of the examined teeth by orthopaedists, allows a more accurate and careful approach to the rationality of retraction for fixed orthopaedic structures.
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