The purpose of this study is to develop a program of complex personalized program of psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with hallucinatory-paranoid disorders (HPR) in dementias of different genesis and stage of development and evaluate its effectiveness. The results of approbation of the developed program of complex personalized psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with HPR in dementias of different genesis and stage of development indicate its greater efficiency in comparison with traditional schemes of psychosocial rehabilitation patients of this category which do not consider socio-demographic, psychosocial features of the development and course of HPR in patients with dementia. The differences of the developed program are the differentiation of rehabilitation effects depending on the dominant sector (non-cognitive psychopathological disorders, cognitive disorders, social dysfunction and general medical problems); taking into account the nature of dual relations «patient with HPR in dementia - caregiver»; the state of the preserved resource of the patient in the cognitive mental, somatic and psychosocial spheres; sequence and phasing of restorative approaches.
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