The study analyzed the personal and behavioral characteristics of cancer patients in the context of having a psychological profile with a certain level of adaptation. Based on informed consent in Medical- psychological center of Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University and Vinnytsa Regional Clinical Oncology Clinic during 2015-2019 years 288 cancer patients were examined. Assessment of personality traits conducted using the Freiburg Personality Inventory, FPI-B, behavioral patterns - Ways of Coping Questionnaire, WCQ by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman. Cancer causes the actualization of psychological constructs and the stress-protective mechanisms involved in overcoming stress. In families with impaired family adaptation, a higher incidence of patients with maladaptive personality and behavioral profiles was found. Patients with a disharmonious profile are at risk for developing psychological maladaptation in the stressful situation of a life-threatening illness. The personal and behavioral profile of the cancer patient is an important criterion for the choice of medical-psychological help and should be taken into account when applying psychological interventions to the patient and his immediate family (family).
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