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wife of mentally ill man
paranoid schizophrenia
psychological maladaptation
stress-overcoming behavior

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In order to study the role and place of stress-coping behavior in the formation of psychological maladaptation in wives whose husbands are suffering from paranoid schizophrenia (PS). depending on the duration of the disease. on the basis of the «Vinnitsa Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named Yushchenko» surveyed 120 women. whose men were ill with PS and 50 women. whose men had no mental and behavioral disorders. The comprehensive examination included the use of clinical. psychological. psychodiagnostic and statistical methods of investigation. As a result of the study. the hypothesis about the presence in wives of patients with PS of the signs of mental. family. psychosocial and personality- behavioral disadaptation of different content and expression. the constellation of which constitutes a clinical picture of the holistic phenomenon of psychological disadaptation of women. can be confirmed. It implemented in two clinical and psychological variants: submaladaptive coupling-dependent. inherent in the wives of men with a duration of mental illness up to 8 years. and maladaptation separation-distance. inherent in the wives of men with disease duration from 8 to 15 years. In the course of the research it is proved that in the process of formation and dynamics of development and progression of psychological maladaptation the leading place belongs to stress-overcoming behavior. which is simultaneously its descriptor and predictor. The findings should be taken into account in the development of personalized psychological support measures for the wives of male patients with PS.
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