Criteria of the use temporally of shunt for patients with stenosises of carotid and cerebral arteries
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temporal shunt
stenosis of carotid
retrograde pressure

How to Cite

Pulyaeva, I. (2020). Criteria of the use temporally of shunt for patients with stenosises of carotid and cerebral arteries. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 84(3), 59-63.


The features of neuroprotective tactics of surgical treatment of atherosclerotic stenosis of the internal carotid artery were studied. In an analysis of 108 patients are plugged with the united atherosclerotic defeat of cerebral and carotid arteries, that was the done estimation of reserve to possibility of cerebrum. On the basis of the got results patients were up-diffused on two groups: 1th group (n=68) – CEE is executed without a temporal shunt 2th group (n=40) in that the operation of CEE was executed with the use of temporal shunt. Totality of indexes of retrograde pressure, neurological deficit, blood stream for MCA, allows to make decision on the use of shunt. For patients from of СА from the different side of using the TS it is shown inspite of the indexes of oxymetry, retrograde pressure, speed for MCA. At the united atherosclerotic defeat of sleepy and cerebral arteries of executed with the use of temporal shunt. Totality of indexes of retrograde pressure, neurological deficit, blood stream for СМА, allows to make decision on the use of shunt. At the united atherosclerotic defeat of sleepy and cerebral arteries of tactician of surgical treatment must be based on estimation of functional backlogs of cerebrum. The results of realization of test of hypoxia serve as an additional criterion for a decision about imposition of internal shunt, that allows to avoid additional possible complications in an early postoperative period. Vіllise is broken a secret a circle does not require the use of temporal shunt at 32 cases
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