In 130 patients of surgical departments of various profiles on the basis of the Kharkiv city clinical hospital of emergency and emergency medical care. prof. A.I. After applying general anesthesia, Meshchaninov determined the content of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate as an indicator of hypoxia depending on age. Surgery was performed under conditions of general multicomponent anesthesia with mechanical ventilation using propofol and fentanyl, sodium thiopental and fentanyl. Patients were divided into three groups: group I – 46 young patients (18–43 years old); Group II – 43 middle-aged patients (44–59 years old); ІІІ group – 41 elderly patients (60–80 years old). The main biochemical markers of carbohydrate metabolism — glucose, pyruvate, and lactate — were determined in the blood of patients. The studies conducted allowed us to integrally assess possible disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and characterize the features of the energy supply of the body of surgical patients at different periods of the disease, depending on ageReferences
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