Cognitive disturbances in patients with mixed dementia of different degree of expression complicated by hallucinator-paranoid disorders
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mixed dementia
hallucinatory-paranoid disorders
cognitive dysfunction

How to Cite

Shevchenko-Bitensky , K. (2020). Cognitive disturbances in patients with mixed dementia of different degree of expression complicated by hallucinator-paranoid disorders . Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 84(3), 46-53.


The study involved 72 patients with moderate to severe mixed dementia complicated by hallucinatory-paranoid disorders (main group) and 61 patients with moderate and severe mixed dementia not complicated by psychotic disorders (control group). It has been proven that patients with mixed dementia complicated by psychotic disorders were characterized by more severe cognitive impairment. In patients with mixed dementia of moderate severity thought thinking disorders of psychotic genesis predominate, and in patients with mixed dementia of severe severity complicated by psychosis, a high frequency of cognitive impairment of praxis, gnosis, attention, speech, reading and orientation has been detected
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