To study the specifics of internal pattern of disease in women with depressive disorders of various genesis and severity of psychosocial maladaptation, 252 women who were diagnosed with depressive disorder were examined for further identification of targets of differentiated psychosocial rehabilitation of this contingent of patients. The study included 94 people with depressive disorder of psychogenic genesis (prolonged depressive response due to adaptive disorder), 83 women with endogenous depression (depressive episode, recurrent depressive disorder, bipolar affective disorder, current episode of depression) and 75 patients with depressive disorder of organic genesis (organic affective disorders). The study was conducted using clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. As a result of research in patients with different genesis of depression and the presence or absence of signs of psychosocial maladaptation, different variants and types of the internal picture of the disease were revealed. It has been established that under the condition of signs of psychosocial maladaptation, women have a more maladaptive attitude to the disease by comparison with patients without maladaptive manifestations, independently from the genesis of a depressive disorder. These patterns should be taken into account in the development of medical rehabilitation and preventive measures for patients with depressionReferences
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