Prediction of the testicular germ cell tumor histotype
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testicular germ cell tumors
mathematical prediction

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Potapov, S., Arseniev, O., Gorgol, N., Pliten, O., & Galata, D. (2020). Prediction of the testicular germ cell tumor histotype. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 84(3), 10-18.


During the past decades testicular germ cell tumor sickness rate rose up worldwide. Although these tumors are relatively rare kind of pathology, exactly this type of neoplasia is most common among young men and gives to this problem social significance. The natural tendency of science is the expansion of methodological capabilities, among which there are mathematical methods which can automatize not only the diagnosis of the pathological process, but also determine its stage and prognosis. The aim of the work was to develop a method of mathematical prediction of testicular germ cell tumor histotype according to immunohistochemical investigation. The most successful solution was the use of set of classifiers, which is built on the consistent combination of several of them into one composition. Models based on discriminant analysis were used as primary classifiers. The results of this classification showed high accuracy
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