Natural and systemic treatment effects of intra-vascular laser therapy in cancer patients
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intravenous laser blood irradiation (VLOK)
breast cancer

How to Cite

Krasnoselsky, N., Simonova, L., Zavadskaya, T., Pushkar, E., & Gertman, V. (2020). Natural and systemic treatment effects of intra-vascular laser therapy in cancer patients. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 82(1), 87-93.


The changes in hormonal homeostasis, hematopoiesis and pathomorphosis of the tumor were studied in 152 patients with breast cancer (T2N0M0 and T3N1M0). Patients of the main group received from 5 to 10 sessions of intravenous laser irradiation of blood (VLOK). After a complete course of VLOK (10 sessions), the devitalization of the tumor parenchyma was observed (decrease in the volume fraction of viable cells by 30%); restoration of hematopoiesis and hormonal homeostasis, indicating a local and systemic therapeutic effect of ILBL.
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