Features and variants of relations of different addictive tendency in patients with neurotic disorders
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addictive tendencies
neurotic disorders

How to Cite

Denysenko, M. (2020). Features and variants of relations of different addictive tendency in patients with neurotic disorders. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 72(3), 99-107. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/544


The correlation analysis of the expression of different addictive tendency in healthy subjects and patients with neurotic disorders. Establishing the presence and determine the nature of different combinations of addictive tendency in the examined groups. Descripted variants of synergistic, antagonistic and neutral relationships between different versions of addiction at individual neurotic disorders in the group of healthy individuals. The lowest number of antagonistic relations between the addictive tendencies recorded in healthy individuals, whereas in patients with neurotic disorders is noted the presence of a large number of them. The findings suggest that the complexity of the formation and relationship of comorbid addictions when neurotic disease and are of practical value to the development of specific preventive and therapeutic programs.
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