Dependence of disease from features of type of nervous system of man and his constitution
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type of nervous system
body constitution
surgical pathology
nerve disease

How to Cite

Arakelian, A., Korshniak, V., & Aibetova, K. (2020). Dependence of disease from features of type of nervous system of man and his constitution. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 72(3), 94-98. Retrieved from


The article analyzes the relationship of diseases (surgical pathology, neurological disease) observed in different types of people depending on the type of the nervous system and body constitution. It was revealed that the gallbladder disease is more common in women – asthenic, choleric, and stomach ulcer in men – asthenic, melancholic. Migraine usually occurs in sanguine and melancholic with asthenic physique. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is more common in women with melancholic asthenic physique. Lumbalgia – more common in men choleric normosthenic physique. These observations can be used in their daily work practitioner to prevent diseases and their consequences, depending on the body type and temperament.
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