Комбіноване застосовування способів екзодермотензії у підготовці ран до пластики
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tissue expansion (dermotension)
pressure sore
wound contraction
method of ischemic tissues preparation
flap plastic
plastic surgery

How to Cite

Pasichniy, D. (2020). Комбіноване застосовування способів екзодермотензії у підготовці ран до пластики. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 127-131. Retrieved from


Proposed are the combined applications of the tissue exo-expansion methods (two-component adhesive and stitch tied in a bow) for preparation of wound defect to reconstruction, that allowed under direct vision to create sub threshold expansion level of tissues for onset of microcirculation disturbance into skin of the wound edge by way of detection white spot and redistribute of the stretch force to wide square of the surrounding skin of the wound, as well as to evaluate dynamic condition of the tissues around wound and wound during the process of adaptation to extension. These combined applications of the tissue exo-expansion methods were successfully used in treatment of 10 patients for preparation wound defect to reconstruction.
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