Peculiarities of cardiac hemodynamics in hypertensive
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How to Cite

Shelest, B. (2020). Peculiarities of cardiac hemodynamics in hypertensive . Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 72(3), 69-73. Retrieved from


The study involved 99 patients with arterial hypertension II stage, which were divided into 4 groups. 1st group (23 patients) with isolated hypertension II stage, 2nd group (27 patients) with obesity, 3rd (24 patients) with diabetes mellitus and in the 4th (25 patients) with diabetes and obesity. The study also included 20 people with no signs of arterial hypertension, diabetes and obesity (heart rate within normal range) as the control group. It was found that only comorbidity of hypertension with obesity and diabetes, but not in single combination, may increase left ventricular dimensions, affecting the reduction of inotropic function of the heart. Majority of hypertensive patients with comorbid pathology of diastolic dysfunction was presented by slow relaxation type of violations.
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