Differentiated approach to selecting and determining the type of stent in correcting the inconsistency of esophageal anastomosis sutures
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inconsistency of esophageal anastomosis sutures
differentiated approach to choice of stent

How to Cite

Bytiak, S. (2020). Differentiated approach to selecting and determining the type of stent in correcting the inconsistency of esophageal anastomosis sutures. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 110-114. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/525


The results of treatment of 28 patients were presented in 14 of which there was an incompetence of the esophageal-gastric anastomosis (4 after Lewis surgery, 10 after proximal resection of the stomach with resection of the lower third of the esophagus), in 12 – failure of esophageal-gastric anastomosis after gastrectomy, in 2 – incompetence of suture the esophagus wall after removal of the leiomyoma in the upper part of the esophagus. Using a differentiated approach to choosing and determining the type of stent in correcting the inconsistency of the esophageal anastomosis sutures allows to avoid complications of the stenting procedure and to achieve its high efficiency.
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