Prognostic indicators of metastasis ductal breast cancer by using histochemical study of certain properties of proteins
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breast cancer
metastatic ductal breast cancer

How to Cite

Lazaruk, O., Davidenko, I., & DavidenkoО. (2020). Prognostic indicators of metastasis ductal breast cancer by using histochemical study of certain properties of proteins. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 104-109. Retrieved from


It was investigated 162 observations of invasive ductal breast carcinoma, including cases with metastases (97) and without them (65). Quantified free NH2-groups of proteins by A.Yasuma T.Ichikava, "acidic" and "basic" proteins with a bromphenol blue by Mikel Calvo. It was calculated value of risk ratio and odds ratio. It was found that the optical density of color on the free NH2-groups of proteins in epithelial tumour cells is significantly higher in observations of tumour metastasis compared with observations without metastases. The value of optical density of color on the free NH2-groups of proteins in connective tissue fibers (zone I) is lower than in observations with metastatic tumours compared with observations without metastases. Considering the data available on NH2-groups of proteins, as a working figure was applied "parenchymatous-stromal coefficient". During the research of "acidic" and "basic" proteins was revealed that the presence of ductal breast cancer tumour metastasis increase the value of R/B and it’s higher than in the observations without metastasis both in tumour cells and in the connective tissue fibers. Based on these data we calculated the risk ratio and the odds ratio.
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