It was studied the parameters of intracardiac and systemic hemodynamics in men with EH uncomplicated and complicated with CHF aged 40–60 years old the carriers of different genotypes of the ET-1 gene. The study involved 79 men from the control group, 62 men with EH and LVH and 50 men with EH and CHF. All men were representative for age. It was determined that in men without cardiovascular diseases and in patients with EH dominate genotype Lys/Lys and the Lys allele of the ET-1 gene. Men with EH and LVH and with EH and CHF the carrierers of the Asn allele had worse hemodynamic indicators of left ventricle posterior wall thickness, interventricular septal thickness, relative wall thickness, left ventricular mass index, end diastolic volume index, end systolic volume index, ejection fraction, cardiac index, peripheral vascular resistance, E/A, IVRT, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate in patients with EH and LVH and left ventricle posterior wall thickness, interventricular septal thickness, left ventricular mass index, end diastolic volume index, end systolic volume index, ejection fraction, cardiac index, peripheral vascular resistance, the size of the left atrium, E/A, stroke index, DT and IVRT in men with EH and CHF compared with owners of genotype Lys/Lys, who has a poor prognosis about EH and CHF on its background.References
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