Differential diagnostic aspects of adolescents and young women supervision with symptoms of acute abdomen
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abdominal pain syndrom
ovarian cyst
young reproductive age

How to Cite

Tuchkina, I., Hnatenko, O., & Prokopenko, A. (2020). Differential diagnostic aspects of adolescents and young women supervision with symptoms of acute abdomen. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 80-83. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/511


The article presents the clinical manifestations of urgent pathological conditions associated with symptoms of acute abdomen in adolescent girls, young women of reproductive age and the best approaches to the choice of tactics of their diagnosis and treatment. The cause of abdominal pain in adolescent girls and young women more often diagnosed with ovarian cysts, which can occur in adolescents whose mothers had the pathological course of pregnancy and delivery, be the result burdened premorbid background, the presence of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system in history. Treatment of all patients was carried out by the appointment of conservative therapy and laparoscopy preserving ovarian reserve. Decisive for the choice of tactics of treatment of acute abdomen is the presence and amount of effusion in the abdominal cavity, the size of tumor formation.
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