Influence of antihypertensive therapy on platelet function in patients with hypertension in combination with osteoarthritis
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antihypertensive therapy

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Khmel , O. (2020). Influence of antihypertensive therapy on platelet function in patients with hypertension in combination with osteoarthritis. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 74-79. Retrieved from


We examined 29 people with stage II arterial hypertension in combination with osteoarthritis of the knee joints aged 40-65 years. Patients were prescribed antihypertensive therapy: Amlodipine 5 mg and Lisinopril 5 mg once daily per os for 10-14 days. Conducted general clinical studies. Optical aggregometry and ultrastructural examination of platelet granules before and after treatment were performed to assess platelet aggregation properties. The control group consisted of 15 healthy individuals, comparable in age and sex. In patients with hypertension in combination with osteoarthritis as a result of treatment with the combination of Amlodipine 5 mg and Lisinopril 5 mg, the degree of platelet aggregation with ADP, collagen and thrombin, as well as Willebrand factor was significantly reduced, indicating a significant tendency to aggregation reducing the risk of cardiovascular events. The obtained data are also confirmed by the data of ultrastructural analysis of platelets.
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