Effect of preliminary introduction of placental cryoextracts of various origins on morphofuncional state of rats’ kidneys in acute renal failure
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glycerol model
acute renal failure
placental cryoextract

How to Cite

Repin, M., Marchenko, L., Govorukha, T., Vaskovich, A., Strona, V., Kondakov, I., & Brusentsov, A. (2020). Effect of preliminary introduction of placental cryoextracts of various origins on morphofuncional state of rats’ kidneys in acute renal failure. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 75(2), 37-43. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/499


Introduction of allogenic placental cryoextract prior to the beginning of modeling the toxic acute renal failure improved the functional indices of rats’ kidneys and minimized an inflammation of interstitium to two weeks after glycerol administration in contrast to xenogenic placental cryoextracts (human and rabbit).
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