Energy Characteristics of Nasal Breathing with Olfactory Function Disturbance
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energy characteristics of nasal breathing
olfactory disturbances
respiratory disturbances

How to Cite

Shushlyapina, N. (2020). Energy Characteristics of Nasal Breathing with Olfactory Function Disturbance. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 64-69. Retrieved from


The research involves analysis of possibilities of diagnostics of olfactory disturbances basing on evaluation of energy characteristics of nasal breathing in olfactory perception. Owing to combination of rhinomanometry and olfactometry it is possible to estimate not only qualitative or quantitative disturbances of olfaction taking into account measurement of olfaction power but also to evaluate the consumption of energy used by a patient for breathing. However, the main aspect is the study of the influence on the change of olfactory sensitivity of various chronic diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses.
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