Structural-functional and vascular changes in the formation of compression-ischemic radicalulomyopathy
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spondylogenous roots
fermentation glutathione
frying markers

How to Cite

Pogorelov, V., Bagmut, I., & Zhukov , V. (2020). Structural-functional and vascular changes in the formation of compression-ischemic radicalulomyopathy. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 47-52. Retrieved from


Spondylogenesis of the vertebral in the lumbosacral spine, mainly depend on the disturbance of blood flow in the epidural venous plexus system with the development of stasis of the blood and inflammation. In the serum of 46 patients and 20 practically healthy patients, changes in the state of metalloproteinases, nitric oxide, cytokines, glutathione enzymes were studied. A correlation was found between an increase in the level of promethelloproteinase-1, nitric oxide, cytokines and a decrease in the activity of glutathione enzymes.
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